pansement hydro-actif de nouvelle génération


Titre de l´étude Référence
Sebastian P. Nischwitz, Hanna Luze, Daniel Popp, Raimund Winter, Alexander Draschl, Marlies Schellnegger, Lukas Kargl, Thomas Rappl, Michael Giretzlehner, Lars-Peter Kamolz: Global burn care and the ideal burn dressing reloaded - A survey of global experts link
V. Luca-Pozner, S. P. Nischwitz, E. Conti, G. Lipa, S. Ghezal, H. Luze, M. Funk, H. Remy, Q. Qassemyar: The use of a novel burn dressing out of bacterial nanocellulose compared to the French standard of care in paediatric 2nd degree burns - A retrospective analysis link
Lars-Peter Kamolz, Sebastian Nischwitz, Alexandrou Tuca, Judith Holzer-Geissler, Petra Kotzbeck: The use of bacterial nanocellulose based dressings in burns - Future perspectives link
Jennifer Lynn Schiefer, Genoveva Friederike Aretz, Paul Christian Fuchs, Mahsa Bagheri, Martin Funk, Alexandra Schulz, Marc Daniels: Comparison of wound healing and patient comfort in partial-thickness burn wounds treated with SUPRATHEL and epicitehydro wound dressings (2021) link
Kristina Maurer, Miriam Renkert, Malte Duis, Christel Weiss, Lucas M. Wessel, Bettina Lange: Application of bacterial nanocellulose-based wound dressings in the management of thermal injuries: Experience in 92 children (2021) link
Cattelaens et al.; The Impact of a Nanocellulose-Based Wound Dressing in the Management of Thermal Injuries in Children: Results of a Retrospective Evaluation; Life (Basel). 2020 Sep 19;10(9):212. link
Holzer et al.; A novel human ex-vivo burn model and the local cooling effect of a bacterial nanocellulose-based wound dressing; 2020 Jul 3;S0305-4179(20)30445-9 link
Ramos et al.; Evaluation of cicatrization in second grade burn areas with the use of xenograft compared to synthetic cellulose skin substitute; 38. DAV (2020) link
Cattelaens et al.; Usability and effectiveness of Epicitehydro in thermal injuries in children in a major German burn center; 38. DAV (2020) link
Beltran; Nanocellulose for burns: epicitehydro; 38. DAV (2020) link
Nietzschmann et al.; Behandlung von 2a-b gradigen Verbrennungen des Gesichtes mit einer cellulosebasierten Wundauflage (epicite hydro)-Ergebnisse nach 2 Jahren 38. DAV (2020) link
Meyer-Marcotty; Die Behandlung von Verbrennungsverletzungen mit BNC (bacterial nanocellulose) Epicite. Erste Klinische Erfahrungen mit einem neuartigen Produkt 38. DAV (2020) link
Duis et al.; Epicitehydro in der Therapie thermischer Verletzungen bei Kindern - ein neuer Standard of Care? 38. DAV (2020) link
Ferreyra; Experienced with Nanocellulose - Epicitehydro for superficial and deep partial thickness burns 38. DAV (2020) link
Ferreyra PR; Epicitehydro; first dressing to the wound bed preparation in full thickness burns 38. DAV (2020) link
Püski et al.; Erfahrungen mit Epicite in der alltäglichen Anwendung in einem Schwerbrandverletzten Zentrum 38. DAV (2020) link
Nischwitz et al.; Continuous pH monitoring in wounds using a composite indicator dressing - A feasibility study. Burns. 2019 Sep;45(6):1336-1341 link
Bernardelli et al.; Uptake of PHMB in a bacterial nanocellulose-based wound dressing: A feasible clinical procedure; Burns . 2019 Jun;45(4):898-904. link
Tuca et al.; Influence of Secondary Dressings on the Effect of a Bacterial Derived Cellulose Dressing: Results of an Animal Study; Journal of Burn Care & Research; Volume 40; Issue Supplement_1; 9 March 2019; Pages S237 link
Resch et al.; Epicitehydro© zur konservativen Wundbehandlung bei Kindern mit II°igen Verbrennungen 37. DAV (2019) link
Brinskelle et al.; Cellulose (Epicite) für die Behandlung von Entnahmestellen und Brandverletzungen – Unsere ersten Erfahrungen 37. DAV (2019) link
Holzer et al.; A novel human ex-vivo burn model and the local cooling effect of a bacterial nanocellulose-based wound dressing. Burns; Available online 3 July 2020; link
Bernardelli et al.; Delivery of antiseptic solutions by a bacterial cellulose wound dressing: Uptake, release and antibacterial efficacy of octenidine and povidone-iodine.; Burns. 2020 Jun;46(4):918-927. link